open hardware monitor 0.8 0
open hardware monitor 0.8 0

OpenHardwareMonitorsupportsmosthardwaremonitoringchipsfoundontodaysmainboards.TheCPUtemperaturecanbemonitoredbyreadingthecoretemperature ...,AddedsupportforIntelSkylake,KabyLakeandAirmontCPUs.AddedsupportforIntelXeonE5-26xxv4andXeonD-15xxCPUs.,Th...

Chocolatey Software

OpenHardwareMonitorsupportsmosthardwaremonitoringchipsfoundontodaysmainboards.TheCPUtemperaturecanbemonitoredbyreadingthecoretemperature ...

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Chocolatey Software

Open Hardware Monitor supports most hardware monitoring chips found on todays mainboards. The CPU temperature can be monitored by reading the core temperature ...

Release Version 0.8.0 Beta

Added support for Intel Skylake, Kaby Lake and Airmont CPUs. Added support for Intel Xeon E5-26xx v4 and Xeon D-15xx CPUs.


The free Open Hardware Monitor software runs on Microsoft Windows with the .NET Framework version 4.5 and above. On Linux systems the Open Hardware Monitor ...

Open Hardware Monitor Portable 0.8.0 Dev Test 1

The free Open Hardware Monitor software runs on 32-bit and 64-bit Microsoft Windows XP / Vista / 7 and any x86 based Linux operating systems without ...

Release Notes | Open Hardware Monitor 0.8.0 beta

Release Notes | Open Hardware Monitor 0.8.0 beta · Added support for Intel Skylake, Kaby Lake and Airmont CPUs. · Added support for Intel Xeon E5-26xx v4 and Xeon ...

Open Hardware Monitor 0.8.0 free download

Monitor the temperature and status of your hardware. Windows 502.00 KB Tested & Secure. Your download is being analysed and checked for errors, please wait.


Open Hardware Monitor 0.8.0 Beta 免安裝版- 電腦CPU溫度檢測軟體

Downloading Open Hardware Monitor 0.8.0 from

The Open Hardware Monitor is a free open source software that monitors temperature sensors, fan speeds, voltages, load and clock speeds of a computer.

Open Hardware Monitor 0.8

Open Hardware Monitor 0.8 ; Download: Download Open Hardware Monitor 0.8 ·


OpenHardwareMonitorsupportsmosthardwaremonitoringchipsfoundontodaysmainboards.TheCPUtemperaturecanbemonitoredbyreadingthecoretemperature ...,AddedsupportforIntelSkylake,KabyLakeandAirmontCPUs.AddedsupportforIntelXeonE5-26xxv4andXeonD-15xxCPUs.,ThefreeOpenHardwareMonitorsoftwarerunsonMicrosoftWindowswiththe.NETFrameworkversion4.5andabove.OnLinuxsystemstheOpenHardwareMonitor ...,ThefreeOpenHardw...